This week we are exploring ‘environmental hormone disruptors’. Aside from things we eat and drink there are things in our environment or products we use that can have an adverse impact on our hormones – both male and female! This week’s blog explores some of the most common ones and how you can minimise exposure!
Some of the more commons ones include;
- BPAs which are found in plastic food and drink containers and paper receipts! BPA can mimic oestrogen and interfere with hormonal function in both males and females. You can minimise your risk by choosing glass packaging where possible, storing food at home in glass containers, not leaving any plastics in the sun or warm environments which help the chemical leach, and by opting for emailed receipts or simply not taking them, all of these things are better for the planet too!
- PFCs which are found in non-stick cookware and some water-resistant fabric. These can effect thyroid function, sex hormones and potentially even contribute to insulin resistance. Instead look to using cast-iron, glass or ceramic alternatives.
- Phthalates which are used in cosmetics and sanitary wear, and they can disrupt hormone balance and the reproductive system, it is thought that tampons alone may be responsible for around 15% of some womenb s phthalate exposure. A great option is to look for unbleached organic 100% cotton products and for natural alternatives or b cleanb beauty brands.
- Parabens which are again in many beauty products, and they can mimic oestrogen and interfere with hormonal function in both males and females. Again seek out b cleanb beauty brands to avoid exposure.
- Heavy metals which are found in the food chain and water but also things like paint, food containers and medications. They can alter hormonal pathways. A great way to detox from them is by regularly using the infrared sauna, and you can add to this by taking a binder such as activated charcoal after your sauna session for further detoxification.
- Glycol Ethers which are usually found in cleaning products, these can interfere with hormonal balance so look for products without these solvents. B
Thanks for another great guest blog from Joey at The Functional Edition
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