Back to School: Tips for Parents starting a fitness routine


Now that the first couple of weeks back to school is over, it’s time to start thinking about your own wellbeing.  Summer was long and the winter ahead is even longer. 

If you’re looking to get back on track, or start a new routine for your health, fitness and wellbeing this  September, then take a look at our tips below.

  1. Exercise regular.
    Exercise has been shown to release endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. This can help counter feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression that can accompany the back-to-school transition.
  2. Start Small, track your progress.
    Starting small and building up your routine will help make it more sustainable, and reduce your risk of injury.
  3. Find A Support System
    Whether its buddying up with a friend for regular wellbeing walks, or joining us at the studio for a session – ensuring you have time to be you, not just mum (or dad).
  4. Prioritise your mental health.
    Remember to take time for yourself, for self care, mindfulness and do activities that look after your mental health.   â€“ Did you know regular Cryotherapy and Infrared sauna sessions can help aid mental wellbeing?
  5. Boost your immunity and lower your stress levels
    The facilities we have at The F.I.T Partnership are all great ways to boost your immunity and lower your stress levels. Regular Cryotherapy sessions can help keep your healthy, boost your immunity ready for the autumn and winter cold and flu season ahead!

Sign up today, for a 14 day unlimited Cryotherapy trial for just £1.
All new subscription members receive a free body scan and health consultation with one of our team members to help plan how they can achieve their health and fitness goals.

Time to take care of you!

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