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How Vasper can help you improve your Yoga Practice

Did you know physical yoga practice is not only about flexibility but about strength too?

Our facilities work great with non studio activities such as Yoga, Pilates, Sports, gym work outs, daily life.

For World Yoga Day today here’s some insight to how Vasper helped former member Annette Wilk improve her yoga practice.

In yoga you combine “Sthira” = stability, with “Sukha” = ease.
My teacher used to say: “Stability before mobility!” and that is what I always aim for in my self-practice. Here’s one example:

If I go into a lunge I want to find stability through my legs first because
then I know I am free to move my arms around anyway I want!

Regular Vasper sessions The F.I.T Partnership helped me reach stronger levels of stability in my body and benefitted my yoga practice. I had actually never experienced that kind of internal stability before

🙏 Now how about that!? ✭

About the author

Max is our CEO, Founder and head of The F.I.T Partnership is passionate about helping to reverse the aging process of their clients, inside and out.

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