Do you struggle with nutrition and fitting in a plan into a sustainable lifestyle? Then meet our new partner, thefunctionaledition – Joey!
Many of you may know Joey from the studio, but we will now be integrating weekly informative posts with Joey, so please follow both The Functional Addition and The FIT Partnership for free tips and tricks to optimise your long-term health.
Joey is a qualified Functional Nutrition Consultant with the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT). She has undertaken The Nutrition Academy of Australia’s Functional and Applied Functional Nutrition Courses. Joey grew up in Australia, so her love of delicious food, the outdoors and all things healthy has been with her from a young age.
Joey has a passion for functional living, she doesn’t buy into ‘diets’ and ‘fads’, and says “it’s about a sustainable healthy lifestyle and making choices that will help you feel your best self, giving you energy for a full, functional life”. Her philosophy is a vitalistic approach which doesn’t exclude any food groups but seeks to nourish the body and mind, with high quality whole foods, hydration, sunlight, movement and connection.
So what is functional living and functional nutrition? Well, it is all about finding your optimal, and not just related to food. Functional nutrition includes lifestyle choices at its core, such as movement, hydration, sleep patterns, stress level, hormone balance and everything that contributes to our health and wellbeing. The Functional Edition has a very unique appeal, whilst Joey places nutritional support at the centre of her consultations, she also looks at your entire lifestyle to help you make positive changes that will last a lifetime. Her approach is collaborative, supportive and sustainable. She is dedicated to seeing you achieve your goals, and stick to them, supporting you every step of the way.
More details on this partnership coming soon….